
Nationalism is not anti-Semitism

The New York Times savages “An Icon of Evil,” which equates Muslims with Nazis because of a meeting between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler. Turns out Yitzhak Shamir met with the Nazis in Jerusalem as well. Was he too supporting the Nazis? Or were they both interesting in allying themselves with anti-British forces as a nationalist concern? What about SC Bose of the Indian National Army who also met with the Nazis during WWII. Are Indians Nazi-sympathizers now? I’m not sure using the strategies of the Nazis, to create a new class of untermensch, is really a way…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith

Nobody likes Jews or Muslims [Updated]

Isn’t that reason enough for us to get along? New poll says anti-semitism and islamophobia on the rise. Other interesting tidbits from the poll: Muslims are worried about Muslim extremism. We don’t like it either. Why don’t people understand that? The Muslims most worried about Islamic extremism are countries that are dealing with … Islamic extremism and a growing OBL fan club. Finally, look at the poll. Muslims don’t approve of suicide bombing. [Update]: The complete report can be found here.

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