Hussein Rashid teaches religious and cultural literacy to facilitate a widespread understanding of Islam and educate against anti-Muslim bias.
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NYC Event: Lecture on Memories of Muhammad
Sunday, December 18, 2011 Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters Lecture by Omid Safi 8:00 pm | $10 In spite of the ubiquitous claim to “follow the Sunna”, Omid Safi contends that we as Muslims have largely forgotten about the profound prophetic character of the Prophet’s mission. … cmd=_s-xclick&hosted _button_id=2XBEU27HYZD2G Visit us on the web: Find us on twitter, facebook & youtube: nurashkijerrahi Join our events mailing list: NUR ASHKI JERRAHI COMMUNITY | DERGAH AL-FARAH 245 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013 | 212 966 9773 |
Mar. 26 Speaking Event
Building Bridges | A Christian-Muslim Interfaith Dialogue | The Church of Saint Luke in the Fields. With recent political decisions to attempt to ban Muslims and refugees from entering this nation for a better life or even for safety, what is our role in responding as people of faith? As a nation founded upon principles of religious freedom and enshrined in our Constitution, what are the duties of a Christian majority in defending the freedom of religious minorities? Fear is a highly controlling force that plays a major role in the narrative around Muslims – and a lack of common…