
Discovery: Living Our Values | Trinity Church

Discovery: Living Our Values | Trinity Church. This Week: American Values Religious Voices How might religious values be expressed in our current political situation? At this interfaith panel with Professor Aaron Koller, Professor Hussein Rashid, and Trinity’s Theologian-in-Residence, Dr. Deirdre Good, we will discuss our involvement in the project American Values Religious Voices (

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Media Appearances

American Islamophobia Is Helping Trump Kill The Iran Deal | HuffPost

American Islamophobia Is Helping Trump Kill The Iran Deal | HuffPost. The U.S. response to Iran’s recent economic protests, and President Donald Trump’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal, show us how little we understand Muslims. That ignorance, and our failure to see Muslim nations as rich, diverse cultures peopled by, well, people, tears at America’s social fabric, and weakens the U.S. as an international actor.

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Conferences Events

Comics and Islam, Live at MICE 2017 – 004 Sacred & Sequential Audio | Sacred and Sequential

Comics and Islam, Live at MICE 2017 – 004 Sacred & Sequential Audio | Sacred and Sequential. Muslim identity and practices are featured more comics than ever, from mainstream titles like Ms. Marvelto independent graphic memoirs. This panel at the 2017 Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) takes stock of this important growing field — including the brand-new book Muslim Superheroes: Comics, Islam, and Representation — and presents the perspectives of both academics and creators. Featuring discussion with Hussein Rashid (Religion Professor, Barnard College; Contributor, Muslim Superheroes), A. David Lewis (Instructor, MCPHS University; Co-Editor, Muslim Superheroes; writer, Kismet, Man of Fate), Sara Alfageeh (Illustrator, Co-Director, BOY/BYE series MIPSTERZ project), and Hillary Chute (English Professor, Northeastern…

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