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Hijacking Jihad: Reclaiming Islam’s ‘Personal Struggle’
Hijacking Jihad: Reclaiming Islam’s ‘Personal Struggle’. Over the last two decades, the term “Jihad” has exclusively been defined as a holy war perpetrated by extremists. As such, when the average American hears the term “Jihad,” they conflate Islam with terror. Although the term has been hijacked by extremists, many Muslims in the US and around world don’t recognize Jihad’s contemporary application. For these Muslims, the term, which literally translates to “struggle,” is a personal struggle, or a mission. For example, someone’s “Jihad” could be giving up smoking or to strive to be a better neighbor, friend, husband, or wife.
Behind anti-Muslim video ‘Innocence of Muslims:’ what L.A. County knows but isn’t saying | Alaska Dispatch
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Travel ban decision follows the Supremes’ record of racial classification – Religion News Service
Travel ban decision follows the Supremes’ record of racial classification – Religion News Service. Whether viewed in terms of contemporary politics or American history, the Supreme Court’s ruling on President Trump’s travel ban against several Muslim-majority countries is not surprising. The court has safeguards designed to make it apolitical, but it is never immune to its immediate surroundings on Capitol Hill. Historically, as long as the people support its decisions, the court has ruled in favor of discrimination. And when it comes to admitting people to these shores and welcoming them to the American nation, the court almost never acts…