Media Appearances

Why Peter Kassig was the Islamic State’s greatest threat (COMMENTARY) – Religion News Service

Why Peter Kassig was the Islamic State’s greatest threat (COMMENTARY) – Religion News Service. With each bloody act, Islamic State militants demonstrate their need for self-importance overrides any moral, ethical, or religious boundary. Peter Kassig’s beheading is a microcosm of all the Islamic State wants, and religion is not high on that list.

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The delicate politics of school holidays (COMMENTARY) – Religion News Service

The delicate politics of school holidays (COMMENTARY) – Religion News Service. Changing school calendars is a politically difficult maneuver because it makes statements about community identity. Our initial school calendar was determined by a mix of agricultural schedules and dominant religious thought. The result: summers off to work the land, and the end of December off to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Despite changing economies and demographics, we hold on to this system because it tells a story of who we are as a nation.

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