Annual McGinley Lecture to Address Life After Death

Annual McGinley Lecture to Address Life After Death.

Patrick J Ryan, S.J., the Lawrence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society, will deliver the annual fall McGinley lecture, “Life After Death, Hopes and Fears for Jews, Christians and Muslims.” 

Father Ryan, who has dedicated his work to facilitating a trialogue between the three Abrahamic religions, will deliver the lecture twice:

Tuesday, Nov. 13 
6 p.m.

12th-floor Lounge
Lowenstein Center, Lincoln Center Campus 

And again on 

Wednesday, Nov. 14

6 p.m.

Flom Auditorium
William D. Walsh Family Library, Rose Hill Campus

Joining Father Ryan on both nights will be respondents Claudia Setzer, Ph.D., professor of religious studies at Manhattan College, and Hussein Rashid, Ph.D., adjunct assistant professor of religion at Hofstra University.

