
An appeal to the American Arab and Muslim Communities | The American Muslim (TAM)

As alway, Sheila Musaji hits it out of the park. The American Muslim (TAM). However, once this became an issue not of whether or not the television program itself was worthwhile, but instead an issue of whether or not Muslims – any Muslims – could be represented without including demeaning stereotypes, then it became an issue for all American Muslims to be concerned about.

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Muslims Helped Legitimize Lowes’ Decision to Pull Ads From All-American Muslim | Religion Dispatches

My latest at Religion Dispatches. Muslims Helped Legitimize Lowes’ Decision to Pull Ads From All-American Muslim | Religion Dispatches. What many of these criticizers, not critics, fail to realize is that actions have consequences. I would love to see a second season of All-American Muslim (AAM) that comes to Jackson Heights in Queens to do South Asian Muslims, or to Chicago to cover African-American Muslims. So, what these criticizers did is to create a narrative that even Muslims don’t believe that this show represents Muslims. There was no positive or constructive criticism, just complaints that the critics themselves weren’t on…

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