Day: December 15, 2011
The Scary Potential of the National Defense Authorization Act | Muslimah Next Door
The Scary Potential of the National Defense Authorization Act | Muslimah Next Door. So let’s get this straight: No longer is there the slim protection that the White House will veto the National Defense Authorization Act. Any person, citizen or otherwise, can be detained, indefinately, without trial, if they are suspected by the government to be a member of al Qaeda or its allies. I think that it would be difficult to find any American who does not support the United States protecting itself against terrorism. But at what cost? At the cost of our civil liberities? At the cost…
Hoping To ‘Demystify’ Islam, Muslim Center Moves To Newbury Street | WBUR
Hoping To ‘Demystify’ Islam, Muslim Center Moves To Newbury Street | WBUR. a new Muslim cultural center in Boston’s most prominent shopping district — Newbury Street. It’s the new Boston home of a group of progressive Muslim activists, the American Islamic Congress. These Muslims are making a statement — that they are part of mainstream American society.