

INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL POLICY AND UNDERSTANDING. . Join the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, the British Council's Our Shared Future Project, and the Johns Hopkins University's Center for Transatlantic Relations for a panel discussion on the impact of 9/11 on Britain, Europe, and the United States.  H.A. Hellyer, Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center and ISPU Fellow, will discuss his latest ISPU policy brief, "Across the Atlantic: Islam, Europe, and the Repercussions of the Attacks" with Jocelyne Cesari Director of the Islam in the West Program, Harvard and JHU University, and Hussein Rashid of Hofstra University. Their…

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Love blooms in Zuccotti Park: Protesting  Occupy Wall Street lovebirds tie the knot  – NY Daily News

Love blooms in Zuccotti Park: Protesting  Occupy Wall Street lovebirds tie the knot  – NY Daily News. In front of about a dozen friends and onlookers, Emery Abdel-Latif, 24, and Micha Balon, 19, held a traditional Muslim wedding on Trinity Place and Liberty Street, perched on a small bench next to the park’s famous sculpture of a seated man with a briefcase.  “We have to be able to understand truly how unique this relationship is,” said Khalid Latif, the chaplain at New York University who married the eager duo.

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Sisters of St. Francis, the Quiet Shareholder Activists –

Sisters of St. Francis, the Quiet Shareholder Activists – Long before Occupy Wall Street, the Sisters of St. Francis were quietly staging an occupation of their own. In recent years, this Roman Catholic order of 540 or so nuns has become one of the most surprising groups of corporate activists around.  The nuns have gone toe-to-toe with Kroger, the grocery store chain, over farm worker rights; with McDonald’s, over childhood obesity; and with Wells Fargo, over lending practices. They have tried, with mixed success, to exert some moral suasion over Fortune 500 executives, a group not always known for…

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