
The Clanzoors? Never! | Life and style | The Guardian

The Clanzoors? Never! | Life and style | The Guardian. In the event I have only been partly ostracised by my family, but it is not only the issues with my family that persuaded Bridget to take my name. “I think it will be a great conversation opener,” she told me. “I’m going to enjoy having to explain why my second name is so exotic.” I suspect that trying to explain to the grumpy man at US immigration why her surname sounds a bit Pakistani may not be quite as enjoyable as she imagines. Nevertheless, I have to admit that…

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“The Slow-Grinding, Boring Mill Of Justice” – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast

Readers on Andrew Sullivan’s site talk about the transition the Eastern European countries faced as their regimes fell in the 80s and 90s, and how that transition is incomplete. They then make the obvious connection with the “Arab Spring,” and the fact that we should not expectations of a quick transition there. “The Slow-Grinding, Boring Mill Of Justice” – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

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Memorial Day | Talking Points Memo

I just came from my 15th reunion, and while I did not see the same sort of public commemoration that Josh talks about, it was very much a topic of conversation as ROTC had just returned to Columbia’s campus. Josh is right, this is no longer history, but our present. I knew more people who served in Gulf I, but that doesn’t mean I’m any less aware of the loss we suffer everyday. Memorial Day | Talking Points Memo. Though there are many customary ways to observe Memorial Day, I’ve often struggled to figure out a way to do justice…

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