
Our Shared Future

I am pleased to announce I have joined Our Shared Future as a member of the Advisory Board and as part of their Opinion Leaders Network. Our Shared Future aims to improve the public conversation about Muslims and intercultural relations in the US by providing hard facts, evidence-based arguments, and research findings by reputable academics and experts.

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Report: Understanding Sharia Law

Back in March I contributed to Center for Amerian Progress’ report on “Sharia Law.” The report can be found here. But by defining Sharia itself as the problem, and then asserting the authenticity of only the most extreme interpretations of Sharia, the authors are effectively arguing that the internecine struggle within Islam should be ceded to extremists. They also cast suspicion upon all observant Muslims. It’s important to understand that adopting such a flawed analysis would direct limited resources away from actual threats to the United States and bolster an anti-Muslim narrative that Islamist extremist groups find useful in recruiting.…

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