
Terrorism by Muslims down in 2010 – Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security

STUDY:  TERRORISM BY MUSLIM-AMERICANS DOWN IN 2010. A new study released today by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security  shows that the number of Muslim-Americans who perpetrated or were arrested for terrorist acts declined sharply in 2010.  The study, “Muslim American Terrorism Since 9/11:  An Accounting,” reports that while 47 Muslim-Americans committed or were arrested for terrorist crimes in 2009, the number dropped to 20 this past year. h/t Faith in Public Life

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Speaking Engagement: Emory University, Feb. 13

Special Lecture Everyday Art: The Islamic Impact on American Arts Sunday, February 13th 2:00 p.m. Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University 571 South Kilgo Circle Atlanta, GA 30322 http://www.carlos.emory.edu/ Presented by Dr. Hussein Rashid, visiting professor at Virginia Theological Seminary American popular culture—the art that surrounds us every day—reflects the tremendous cultural diversity of the American people, and helps to shape the way Americans understand themselves. Perhaps the least understood of these influences is the cultural impact of the various Muslim communities that have settled in the United States. Starting from the period of slavery and continuing through to…

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