
Opinion: The Year Tía Luisa Tried to Defend Us From the Muslim Stamp – Fox News Latino

Opinion: The Year Tía Luisa Tried to Defend Us From the Muslim Stamp – Fox News Latino. In lieu of delivering a gospel of Yultide cheer or peace on earth, Tía Luisa dispatches a demand. Yes, in the subject heading of her most recent e-blast, in blaring full-blown caps, are the words ‘DO NOT BUY THIS STAMP’ and upon opening her email I discover that I am instructed to adamantly and vocally boycott the Post Office’s Eid-themed postage when purchasing my Christmas stamps this year.

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It Will Take More Than a Muslim Cosby Show

It Will Take More Than a Muslim Cosby Show. Couric’s instincts are right when she draws parallels between Islamophobia and racism. And she is correct in focusing on the role of media and cultural production in that fight. But her Cosby Show proposal is misplaced, both historically and socially. Perhaps what is needed more than another Cosby Show are the lessons learned from the first one.

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How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer | Culture | Religion Dispatches

How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer | Culture | Religion Dispatches. The next best thing to a living, breathing Muslim is an approximation of one. That is, the silver screen (had you said robots, I’d counter: Muslims will be the last people on Earth to come up with robots). Why not? Movies explore the lives and experiences of Muslims in a format that can be watched as easily at home as on the train (that’s what iPads are for).

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