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Reuter’s Coverage of America to Zanzibar
Here is a Reuter’s video on the exhibit America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far, at The Children’s Museum of Manhattan, for which I was the lead academic advisor. I had no idea the tie was rakishly crooked. The Muslim Culture Exhibition on TRT Showcase from Reuters Content Solutions on Vimeo. The Muslim Culture Exhibition on TRT Showcase
He Who Burns
My dear friend is putting on a dance performance in NY this weekend. It is titled “He Who Burns,” and plays with the idea put forward by Hallaj that Iblis was cast out of Heaven for being the truest lover of God. He refuse to bow to Adam not because he was disobedient, but because none is worthy of worship other than God. Check it out. He Who Burns
NYC event – Splendor of Islamic Art
Event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (5th Avenue at 81st Street). Click the thumbnail for the full flyer. Technorati Tags: Islamic art, music, Metropolitan Museum of Art