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So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? | The Jewish Chronicle
So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? | The Jewish Chronicle. Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double. First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity – also in Christendom – through the medieval period into the modern world.
The Jew Who Helps Run an Important Arab-American Organization in Brooklyn – Tablet Magazine
The Jew Who Helps Run an Important Arab-American Organization in Brooklyn – Tablet Magazine. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, home to an estimated 35,000 Arabs, is the largest Arab-American community outside of Michigan and California. That number is an estimate because no one in government has been able to count. “The community doesn’t like to fill out forms, and for good reason,” a staffer at the Arab-American Association of New York, in Bay Ridge, told me, referring to the recent revelation that the NYPD targeted Muslims for surveillance. Over the next two months, however, the Arabs of Bay Ridge will submit to…
Aga Khan on Muslims
NPR has a nice piece from the Aga Khan, leader of the Shi’ah Imami Nizari Isma’ili Muslim community, on how Muslims are understood in the world. It’s worth listening to. Technorati Tags: inter-faith, intra-faith, Aga Khan