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Iranian Comic-Book Artists Seek a Unique, Local Identity –
Iranian Comic-Book Artists Seek a Unique, Local Identity – Many young Iranian artists admit to a passion for comic books from the United States and Europe. They can be purchased in Tehran, though they are expensive and often covered with the censors’ black ink. But local artists say they are trying to stamp their work with an Iranian identity.
Reading: Architecture vs. Extremism
Can architecture battle extremism? Considering the beating the Serena Hotel took at the hands of the Taliban, and the Bamiyan Buddhas, I’m not so sure. Aga Khan Award for Architecture, architecture, extremism
Speaking Event: Islamic Art and Culture Forum – Dr. Hussein Rashid – SMU
Islamic Art and Culture Forum – Dr. Hussein Rashid – SMU. Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University welcomes Dr. Hussein Rashid, visiting Professor at Virginia Theological Seminary, for an Islamic Art and Culture Forum on Thursday, April 21, at 1:30 p.m. “Everyday Art: Islamic Contribution to American Arts” is a richly illustrated talk by Dr. Rashid, exploring the Islamic impact on American popular culture using examples from multiple communities and time periods throughout American history. The event will be held in the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Great Hall of Perkins School of Theology on the SMU campus. Media interviews…