Come on, you’ve invested so much in Zeba’s success already, you know you just have to see her win now.
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
I am thrilled to inform you that thanks to your support, I am a semifinalist in the Washington Post’s “America’s Next Great Pundit” competition. It’s a long way from being one of the initial ten contestants selected out of nearly 5000 entries to being in the Top Three and I could not have done it without your support.
Now it’s crunch time. The two people with the highest number of online votes between Thursday, Nov 19th 8 am – 5 pm EST (That’s Today!) will advance to the final round this weekend. I need your help!
As much as I would have liked this competition to be about substance, it really has come down to who can better mobilize their networks and so far, both my competitors have been better at it than me. I wish we were being assessed and advanced based on our work but that is simply not the case. Even still, I encourage you to read some of my work and compare it to the other two remaining candidates. I am confident that you’ll find mine to be much more substantive and out-of-the-box, which is exactly the kind of new voice the Washington Post needs in a columnist. The winner of this contest will receive 13 Op-eds in the Post and I am just one round away! I hope you’ll help me by voting and spread the word today.
Voting is happening NOW until 5 pm EST TODAY and takes less than a minute!
Again, I thank you for your support