My latest at the RD blog is up:
Related Posts
“My Fellow American” Launches
A new online project, “My Fellow American,” enables people of all faiths and backgrounds to share a story about a Muslim they know personally. The centerpiece of the project is a short teaser film that juxtaposes voices of hate with everyday Muslim Americans. It serves as a call-to-action for people of all faiths to stand up against this climate of hate speech and Islamophobia. [from ‘My Fellow American’: Short Film Offers Platform for Combatting Islamophobia h/t Crescent Post ] The official site is here. My earlier post is here.
WikiCity on Ismaili
I know we got a lot of people interested in Shi’ism, specifically Isma’ili Shi’ism, coming through this site. Myself, and several others, have an interest in this group, but don’t want to make the blog about one particular interpretation. However, I have found WikiCities, and thought that might be a good place to continue a conversation on the topic. I can’t run it by myself and would like to hear if others, Isma’ili or not, would be willing to help start something up before letting the Wiki have its way. You can leave notes in comments or email me at…
This just in……
As seen on /.’s automatic quote generator at the bottom: Trust in Allah, but tie your camel – Arabian Proverb.