
Devil’s Advocate’s Postings

A series of posts up at The Devil’s Advocate that I forgot to mention: The Pope’s Interfaith Issues | RD Blog: The Devil’s Advocate | ReligionDispatches Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism? | RD Blog: The Devil’s Advocate | ReligionDispatches Michael Jackson, Muslim | RD Blog: The Devil’s Advocate | ReligionDispatches Barack Hussein Obama and a Post-Religious America | RD Blog: The Devil’s Advocate | ReligionDispatches

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Weekend of Twinnings

I was recently asked to address the Sutton Place Synagogue as part of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding‘s Weekend of Twinnings. Below are my comments, as prepared, that I delivered on Nov. 22, 2008. I will post some questions and reflections in the next few days. —– Comments Offered on the Weekend of Twinnings at the Sutton Place Synagoge (as prepared, not as delivered) Shabbot Shalom Salaam Alaykum Ya Ali Madad In the Name of God the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful Thank you for opening your doors to me today and inviting me into your worship space. I hope…

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