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Muhammad Horton Indeed
Check out this commentary on Bush’s new campaign ad. It’s from The New Republic. Race and fear. Race and fear. The frightening thing is that Bush will probably still get a fair amount of votes from South Asians and Muslims. Link via TPM.
The Kominas Tour Poster
The Kominas Tour Poster Originally uploaded by rockistani. Show the group some love.
#LoveRally on April 10, 2016
I’ll be speaking at a rally to counter the hate emerging out of this year’s Presidential Election Cycle. Please join if you can on Sunday, April 30, 2016 at 2PM in New York City, by New York University. The official letter about the program is here. Dear Friends: As the co-founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity (PACH;, I am writing to let you know that PACH and 20 other NYC organizations are having a love rally in Washington Square Park on April 10th from 2-4. Please join us! We have over 35 world leaders,…