My latest Devil’s Advocate posting on our first modern Muslim president, and it’s not about Obama.
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Personal Aside
Where has islamoyankee gone? Well the short answer is that my father passed away a month ago – and while not totally unexpected – it has been a busy and crazy time. Today I blog again for three reasons: It’s been a month Tonight, I observe Laylat ul-Qadr (more on that in another post) Today is Blog Quake Day (more in another post) I’m back, and hopefully the rest of will be as well.
Thanks to all our readers, and this year we have enough regular readers whom we know that it would take too long to list all of you by name…. Thanks to all the contributors, anonymous and regular, who keep the posts flowing.
Giving Virtual Thanks
In light of the coming day of thanksgiving, we wanted to take a second to recognize a few of people of the virtual ummah who have supported us so far. Again, we have to thank the folks at Muslim WakeUp! who were the first to welcome us and who have been consistent commentors and visitors to the site (yes, Jawad, we mean you.) We’ve been negligient in our activities on their site, and hope to address that situation soon. They’ve also brought a wonderful site to our attention, Al-Musawwir. Further proof that there is a difference between Moslems and Klingons.…
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Most gratifying campaign comment: Colin Powell’s “so what if he were?” to the persistent rumor of whether Obama had been a Muslim.
Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman had said the same thing some months ago, but when a Colin Powell says it, it resonates a bit longer.