Old news, but apparently Joe Lieberman (More R than not – Conn.) is going to speak at John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel conference. Just so you know Hagee said “Jews have dead souls.” I suppose politics does really trump religion. At least the Israelis recognize the absurdity of Lieberman’s position.
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I find Hagee’s theology profoundly distressing, and I am deeply troubled by the fact that so many Jews support Christians United for Israel and organizations like it. It’s clearly a form of weird pragmatism — the thinking seem to be that Hagee and his ilk “support Israel” by funneling funds to Israel, and therefore it’s worth courting him as a friend no matter what his theology is — but I just can’t go there, even in theory. (And I don’t actually agree that what he’s doing is “support” of Israel — I resonate a lot with R’ Marc Gopin’s essay What exactly is pro-Israel?.)