Oprah and the Ismailis
What a tease of a title. An op-ed from Canadia about the work of the Aga Khan in developing institutions of learning Africa. Technorati Tags: Aga Khan, Ismailis, Oprah
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
What a tease of a title. An op-ed from Canadia about the work of the Aga Khan in developing institutions of learning Africa. Technorati Tags: Aga Khan, Ismailis, Oprah
The Philadelphia Weekly has a good long piece on being Muslim in non-Muslim societies. While short, I think the author outlines some of the key issues facing Muslim immigrants and why they might turn to a hateful understanding of Islam. Technorati Tags: Islam in the West